Image taken on the project to highlight the environment


Midland Exploration

Challenges overcomed

Although the Patris property is located near the town of Rouyn-Noranda (which facilitates access), it also signifies more air and ground traffic to deal with. For this particular zone, Vision 4K had to obtain an SFOC (or Specialized Flight Operations Certificate) from Transport Canada in order to operate in controlled airspace near the Rouyn airport and other aerodromes in the vicinity. With no vantage point in the area, both crews on site had to strategically use a retractable boom lift to keep an eye on the aircraft an airspace at all times. Since air traffic can get quite heavy near YUY, flights were concentrated in the evening and during nighttime to increase the conspicuity of our system and minimize encounters. Crews also had to meet with some owners to explain the operation taking place and, in some instances, even got authorization from them to set up on their property!

Client testimonial


Very efficient! Thank you for your awesome work and also for contacting the owners! Looking forward to working together again!
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